Tuesday, July 31, 2012

vaccines scheduled!

Part of getting ready for the trip for PNG is making sure we are prepared with the proper vaccines.  Lori, being the go-getter that she is, has already taken care of her first round of shots.  In order to make things a little less painful and a bit more social, Kevin, Dennis, and I are planning to get ours together in a couple of weeks.  There's something about being with someone you like that makes unpleasantries a little better.  I anticipate three or four shots, depending on how they combine hep a and hep b.  Regardless, I (odd disclosure alert) kind of like shots and anything medical like this...the blood donation procedure fascinates me, etc.  So, even though I am sure it will not feel great, I am interested in how it will happen and how they do it. 

What do you think...left or right arm?


  1. You're so funny Theresa! I always get sore so I go with the arm I don't use, and remember to rub the injection site afterwards for a few minutes. Let me know if you need a hand holder : )

  2. Actually, I suggest both. 3 or 4 in one arm might render it useless, and you've got work to do!
